Christmas was once again a busy and joyous time at Town Church. The season began with the Christmas Tree Festival and the church was bedecked with local charities' Christmas Trees, in addition to the stunning church decorations.
Traditionally the church stays open late to coincide with 'late night Christmas shopping'. The first of these evenings also coincided with the annual Town Church Christmas Fayre, and we were once again inundated with beleaguered Christmas shoppers, gasping for a cup of tea and a biscuit and tempted by some of the lovely gift opportunities on offer!
Almost all the Christmas Services were over subscribed this year, with the Crib Service on Christmas Eve proving exceptionally popular. (Kudos to the brave lad who volunteered to try Revd. Peter's sprout smoothie!) As usual dressing up as your favourite character from the Nativity was encouraged, and participation was forthcoming! Midnight Mass and the Christmas Day Service were also very well attended. Below is a summary of all the seasonal activities involving Town Church over the Christmas period this year.
In conclusion, thank you all for hard work and contributions to a memorable Christmas 2024. The Town Church clergy and wardens, would like to wish you all a peaceful 2025.