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Town Church Bell Ringers


                           Town Church Bellringers' Tower Captain, Duncan Loweth, can be contacted                                             here



We are a friendly bunch of people who climb the spiral staircase several times a week to ring the fabulous bells of the Town Church.


Although a small group we range from 12 to 75 years old and all enjoy the mental and physical challenge of ringing the bells.  Bell music is pattern based, rather than tunes, and we have to memorise the shapes of the music before standing up to ring the patterns; weaving the bells around each other to constantly change the order in which the bells are struck.


Our Youth Bell Ringing Scholarships launched in 2020 and our scholars are a pleasure to ring with and are developing their ringing skills very nicely.  We have limited space for new scholars who should be able to ring called changes or methods to a Sunday Service standard and should be below the age of 18.  Enquires can be sent to


If you would like to come and have a look and see what it is all about you are welcome to attend our practice on Thursday evenings, 7.30-9.15pm.  We are always happy to show new people around the tower and give you a go on a rope with no requirement to commit yourself to joining.


We welcome group tours of the tower on other evenings, please contact us to arrange.  We would usually take 1.5 hours for a tower tour and would struggle to accommodate more than 12 people at once.









Escape Rooms


We are currently re-building our escape room and hope that it will be ready soon.   Our next room will be called Flood Control Dam 3. 


We also have plans for some rooms at Elizabeth College during the summer to help them raise money for some bell ringing equipment for the school.   More details will follow when they are firmed up. 


If you would like to join our mailing list just send a quick email to and I'll add you to the list. 



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