Last Updated 9th February 2022
In response to the advice issued by the Civil Contingencies Authority and further guidance received from the Dean of Guernsey
All those attending worship at Town Church are asked to:
Carry out Lateral flow tests at least twice a week and before coming to the church and to not attend Church unless a negative result has been obtained.
Sanitise hands on arrival at the church.
Face Coverings
The wearing of face coverings is no longer mandatory and you may do so if you wish.
Social Distancing
We will endeavour to ensure that it is possible for members of the congregation to be kept as well spaced as possible and we may increase the ventilation in the church. For this reason you may wish to wrap up a little warmer.
Please respect the space around others and, if you wish, move to a less congested area.
Singing is permitted
The Peace
The physical sharing of the peace is not permitted and we will encourage you to offer a gesture to those around you as a sign of peace.
From Christmas Day 2021 we have reintroduced Communion in two kinds, although the wine is administered from the chalice onto the bread in the communicants hands using a pipette.
Refreshments will be served in the South Aisle after our 11 am Sunday service and we encourage you to spread out across the church rather than congregating at the back of the church.
Please do not attend Town Church if you are experiencing any COVID symptoms (however mild)
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to worshipping with you.